Monday, 15 January - Friday, 19 January 2024
The Art Museum in the Digital Age – 2024

The Belvedere Research Centre is delighted to present the sixth edition of its conference series on the digital transformation of art museums. The international conference builds upon the previous event focusing on topics such as Metaverse, Web 3, and Artificial Intelligence. Unsurprisingly, however, the debate about the responsible use of AI in the museum sector is omnipresent in the contributions submitted this year in particular. Four online sessions, an on-site workshop and a hybrid panel discussion are dedicated to the critical examination of machine learning versus human curation, the digital networking and aggregated analysis of cultural heritage data, and immersive experiences in the interplay of virtuality and reality.
15 January 2024
16 January 2024
17 January 2024
18 January 2024
19 January 2024
Materials (PDF)
From the Series
German, English Simultaneous InterpretationHashtag
#digitalmuseum #belvederemuseumConference Committee
Christian Huemer
(Belvedere, Wien / Vienna)
Alexandra Sommer
(Belvedere, Wien / Vienna)
Markus Wiesenhofer
(Belvedere, Wien / Vienna)
Anna Frasca-Rath
(FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Lev Manovich
(Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Vince Dziekan
(Monash University, Melbourne)
Welcome & Introduction
Stella Rollig; Christian Huemer; Alexandra Sommer (Belvedere, Vienna)
AI in the Museum
Lev Manovich (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
PANEL 1: Challenges
„Skulls, Wings, and a Sky“: AI Gamification and Institutional Autonomy on Google Arts & Culture
T. Leo Cao (University of Texas, Austin; Leiden University)
Uncharted Territories: Redefining Art Museums’ Reach through Multimodal AI
Darío Negueruela del Castillo; Pepe Ballesteros, Iacopo Neri; Ludovica Schaerf; Tristan Weddigen (Max Planck Society – University of Zurich)
Digitalizing Ukraine’s Museum Collections in Times of War
Nazar Kozak (Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv)
PANEL 2: Metaspaces
Back to Square One: Why Blockchain Technology and Working with Creative Communities Are on the Agenda of the Finnish National Gallery
Johanna Eiramo (Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki)
Museum Objects and Immersive Gamification for Student Engagement
Jeffrey Pomerantz (Proximal Design Labs, Raleigh); Michelle Harrell (North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh)
The Augmented Reality Art Experience: A Case Study of the Exhibition Seeing the Invisible
Sophia Bakogianni (Byzantine and Christian Museum and Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens)
Digitale Kunstausstellungen im Internet: Was können wir gewinnen, was verlieren?
Werner Schweibenz (Universität Konstanz)
PANEL 3: Networks
An Unlikely Pairing: The Catalogue Raisonné as a Trusted Source for Conversational Inquiry Using Generative AI
Liz Neely (Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe)
Iranian Cultural Heritage and Artificial Intelligence: Narration, Innovation, and Creation
Niloofar Yazdkhasti (Museum Matters, Tehran)
Artemis Digital: Kunstbegegnungen im Kontext von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden
Chantal Eschenfelder, Alexandra Reißer (Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main)
Quantity, Quality, Trust: Dilemmas and Strategies of Museum Documentation in the Age of AI
Lynn Rother, Fabio Mariani, Max Koss (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
Digital Transformations of Storytelling in Archives and Museums: A Linked Data and Visualization Perspective
Eva Mayr, Johannes Liem, Anja Grebe, Florian Windhager (University for Continuing Education Krems); Jakob Kusnick (University of Southern Denmark); Carina Doppler, Kasra Seirafi (Vienna)
PANEL 4: Curating
Artmediamuseum: Creating the First Digital Art Collection for Brasília’s National Museum of the Republic
Ana Avelar (University of Brasília)
New Perspectives for Participatory Media Art Documentation
Viola Rühse, Carl Philipp Hoffmann, Carla Milena Zamora Campos (University for Continuing Education Krems)
Surreal Impressions: Deepfaking the Museum through Dalí and Van Gogh
Jasmin Pfefferkorn (University of Melbourne); Anna Calise (IULM University, Milan)
Making AI: More than Human and the More than Human Museum
Suzanne Livingston (London)
Ein LiDAR-basiertes Werkzeug zur räumlichen Analyse der Ausstellungsnutzung
Bernd Lintermann, Marc Schütze (ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe)
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Moderation: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
Kimmo Levä (Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki); Nina Röhrs (Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich); Sophia Widmann (MUSEUM BOOSTER, Vienna); Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica, Linz)
5.00 pm
Welcome & Introduction
Stella Rollig; Christian Huemer; Alexandra Sommer (Belvedere, Vienna)
Panel 1: Challenges
Moderation: Vince Dziekan (Monash University, Melbourne)
5.20 pm
„Skulls, Wings, and a Sky“: AI Gamification and Institutional Autonomy on Google Arts & Culture
T. Leo Cao (University of Texas, Austin; Leiden University)
5.45 pm
Uncharted Territories: Redefining Art Museums’ Reach through Multimodal AI
Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Pepe Ballesteros, Iacopo Neri, Ludovica Schaerf, Tristan Weddigen (Max Planck Society – University of Zurich)
6.10 pm
Digitalizing Ukraine’s Museum Collections in Times of War
Nazar Kozak (Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv)
7.00 pm
Keynote Lecture
Moderation: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
AI in the Museum
Lev Manovich (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Panel 2: Metaspaces
Moderation: Markus Wiesenhofer (Belvedere, Vienna)
5.00 pm
Back to Square One: Why Blockchain Technology and Working with Creative Communities Are on the Agenda of the Finnish National Gallery
Johanna Eiramo (Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki)
5.25 pm
Von Pixeln zu Emotionen. Atmosphäre in Metaverse-Kunstausstellungen
Isabelle Hamm (Universität zu Köln)
5.50 pm
Museum Objects and Immersive Gamification for Student Engagement
Jeffrey Pomerantz (Proximal Design Labs, Raleigh), Michelle Harrell (North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh)
6.15 pm
The Augmented Reality Art Experience: A Case Study of the Exhibition Seeing the Invisible
Sophia Bakogianni (Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens)
6.40 pm
Digitale Kunstausstellungen im Internet: Was können wir gewinnen, was verlieren?
Werner Schweibenz (Universität Konstanz)
Panel 3: Networks
Moderation: Anna Frasca-Rath (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
5.00 pm
Quantity, Quality, Trust: Dilemmas and Strategies of Museum Documentation in the Age of AI
Lynn Rother, Fabio Mariani, Max Koss (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
5.25 pm
An Unlikely Pairing: The Catalogue Raisonné as a Trusted Source for Conversational Inquiry Using Generative AI
Liz Neely (Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe)
5.50 pm
Digital Transformations of Storytelling in Archives and Museums: A Linked Data and Visualization Perspective
Eva Mayr, Johannes Liem, Anja Grebe, Florian Windhager (University for Continuing Education Krems); Jakob Kusnick (University of Southern Denmark); Carina Doppler, Kasra Seirafi (Vienna)
6.15 pm
Iranian Cultural Heritage and Artificial Intelligence: Narration, Innovation, and Creation
Niloofar Yazdkhasti (Museum Matters, New Delhi)
6.40 pm
Artwashing: Big Tech, New Tech, and the Ends of Art
Kaitlin Clifton Forcier (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Panel 4: Curating
Moderation: Arnika Groenewald-Schmidt (Belvedere, Vienna)
5.00 pm
Artmediamuseum: Creating the First Digital Art Collection for Brasília’s National Museum of the Republic
Ana Avelar (University of Brasília)
5.25 pm
New Perspectives for Participatory Media Art Documentation
Viola Rühse, Carl Philipp Hoffmann, Carla Milena Zamora Campos (University for Continuing Education Krems)
5.50 pm
Surreal Impressions: Deepfaking the Museum through Dalí and Van Gogh
Jasmin Pfefferkorn (University of Melbourne); Anna Calise (IULM University, Milan)
6.15 pm
Making AI: More than Human and the More than Human Museum
Suzanne Livingston (London)
6.40 pm
Ein LiDAR-basiertes Werkzeug zur räumlichen Analyse der Ausstellungsnutzung
Bernd Lintermann, Marc Schütze (ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe)
2.00 pm
Digital Culture Workshops (Round Tables)
Organised and moderated by the Institute for Digital Culture, University of Leicester (Ross Parry, Vince Dziekan, and partners), the workshop offers an opportunity for participants to identify development needs and research opportunities in the following areas:
- Creative and Culture Technologies
- Digital Skills and Leadership
- Inclusive Digital Design
- Cultural Informatics
The workshop will be held in English and will take place on site at Belvedere 21, Vienna. Registration for the event is required.
5.00 pm
Panel Discussion
The panel discussion will take place in the Blickle Kino, Belvedere 21, Vienna, in English. Registration is requested due to space limitations. The event will be simultaneously translated into German and also streamed on Zoom.
Moderation: Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna)
Kimmo Levä (Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki)
Nina Röhrs (Roehrs & Boetsch, Zurich)
Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica, Linz)
Sophia Widmann (MUSEUM BOOSTER, Vienna)
The event will conclude with drinks and finger food in the Lucy Bar.