The Tree in Art
Mysterious, bearer of knowledge, silent observer: The tree is deeply rooted in culture – as a mediator between the divine and the human, as an object of science, and as a warning sign for ecological (mis)developments. In dedicating an exhibition to the tree that spans numerous styles and epochs, the Belvedere is focusing on a central subject in art history and its complex relationship with humankind.
Curated by Miroslav Haľák.
With works by:
Joannis Avramidis, Eduard Ameseder, Ferdinand Andri, Robert Bielik, Klemens Brosch, Josef Čapek, Franz Anton Coufal, Lucas Cranach (Werkstatt), Gunter Damisch, Constantin Damianos, Honoré Daumier, Christian Eisenberger, Daniel Fischer, Padhi Frieberger, Joseph von Führich, Giovanni Giuliani, Franz Graf, Asta Gröting, Katharina Grosse, Nilbar Güres, Hannes Haslecker, Carry Hauser, Wolfgang Hollegha, Adolf Hölzel, Michal Kern, Anselm Kiefer, Vera Klimentyeva, Peter Kogler, Johann Korec, Johann Victor Krämer, Otakar Kubín, Max Kurzweil, Marek Kvetan, Maria Legat, Andries Cornelius Lens, Liza Lou, René Magritte, Edda Mally, Ralo Mayer, Karl Mediz, Emilie Mediz-Pelikan, László Mednyánszky, Meister der Crispinuslegende, Zuzana Mináčová, Alois Mosbacher, Hans Nagelmüller, Otakar Nejedlý, Donna Ong, Emil Orlik, Marek Ormandík, Giuseppe Penone, Rona Pondick, Florian Raditsch, Carl Rahl, Albert Reuss, Anton Romako, August Roth, Ernestine Rotter-Peters, Dorota Sadovská, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Giovanni Segantini, Joseph Selleny, Ludwig Ferdinand Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Martin Schnur, Moritz von Schwind, Jakub Špaňhel, Lilly Steiner, Steirischer Maler, Petr Štembera, Curt Stenvert, Ernst Stöhr, Oswald Tschirtner, Jiří Valoch, Adolf Wissel, Olga Wisinger-Florian, Max Zaeper, Jimmy Zurek
In cooperation with
The Exhibition
Art as reflection of the symbiosis between humans and trees: The Lower Belvedere exhibition builds a conceptual bridge from the tree as knowledge of good and evil, to the tree of wisdom, to the tree as the metaphorical axis of the world. The significance of the tree in art is explained by a thematic "branch" that stretches from the spiritual to the rationally perceptible to statements of environmentalism.
The selection of works is drawn from the Belvedere's collection, supplemented with international contributions. The artistic works cover a period from the 15th century to the present.
The personified tree is guardian, loner, social being, listener, protector, or climate savior. Whether as a somber projection for eternal punishment, as in Giovanni Segantini's The Evil Mothers, or as the narrator of the intimate story of a peaceful idyll, as in Blossoming Chestnut by Emilie Mediz-Pelikan, in art, the tree stands for the qualities projected onto it. Headstanding Totem by Nilbar Güreş from 2014 is a contemporary take on a mythological figure that, in close association with the tree, can also be interpreted as an appeal to sensitivity toward the environment.
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Creek Fire Monument
The relationship human - tree
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The tree of cognition
The tree of knowledge
Axis of the world
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Daphne at the Belvedere
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